Sunday, September 30, 2012

Error 0x800CCC18

Error 0x800CCC18 - Logon attempt failed

If you receive SICILY_LOGON_FAILED, this means that your logon attempt has failed. Outlook Express will return an error similar to the following:
"Unable to logon to the server using Distributed Password Authentication.
Account:'Company POP3 Server Accnt.',
Server: '',
Protocol: POP3,
Server Response: '-ERR The AUTH protocol exchange was cancelled by the client.',Port: 110, Secure(SSL): NO, Server
Error: 0x800ccc90, Error Number: 0x800ccc18"
A common cause for this error is where you have asked Outlook Express to log on using Secure Password Authentication.
As BT Business does not require you to use Secure Password Authentication, please ensure that this option is NOT selected within your mail account properties. 
Having completed configuration, please attempt to send/receive email - the issue should now be resolved.
If you still receive the same error, please contact us.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Post your MSN problem !

You have problems with MSN, Hotmail ? Post your problem and we'll help you to fix it.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Your most common MSN Live problems ?

We are making some new tips and tricks, now we need your help, write in comment what are yours most common MSN Live problems.

Error code 0x800CCC00

In this post we'll show you the fix for MSN Live error 0x800CCC00:

Please understand that this tip may not work, in which case I suggest contacting the ISP.
  • Open the email program - Windows Live Mail or Outlook Express.
  • Click on "Tools" -> "Accounts" -> "Mail".
  • Select the account that's giving you the sending email error. If you have multiple accounts and none of them send out messages, you have to change the settings for each.
  • Click the "Properties" button and move to the "Servers" tab.
  • Make sure the "Log on using clear text authentication" is selected and put a check mark for "My server requires authentication"
  • Click "Apply" followed by "OK".
Most probably you won't get a sending email error now. But as I mentioned at the start, the roots of this problem may lie elsewhere. So if you still cannot send email, please refer that link for further troubleshooting tips.

MSN Live Error Code List

In this article we'll show you the most MSN Live error code list:

The following list of error codes may be returned in Windows Mail or in Windows Live Mail if a failure occurs when you send mail or when you receive mail.

General errors

Error codeError typeDescription
0x800CCC00IXP_E_LOAD_SICILY_FAILEDAuthentication did not load
0x800CCC01IXP_E_INVALID_CERT_CNInvalid certificate content
0x800CCC02IXP_E_INVALID_CERT_DATEInvalid certificate date
0x800CCC03IXP_E_ALREADY_CONNECTEDUser already connected
0x800CCC04IXP_E_CONNNot available
0x800CCC05IXP_E_NOT_CONNECTEDNot connected to server
0x800CCC06IXP_E_CONN_SENDNot available
0x800CCC07IXP_E_WOULD_BLOCKNot available
0x800CCC08IXP_E_INVALID_STATENot available
0x800CCC09IXP_E_CONN_RECVNot available
0x800CCC0AIXP_E_INCOMPLETEMessage download incomplete
0x800CCC0BIXP_E_BUSYServer or mail drop is busy
0x800CCC0CIXP_E_NOT_INITNot available
0x800CCC0DIXP_E_CANT_FIND_HOSTCannot locate server
0x800CCC0EIXP_E_FAILED_TO_CONNECTCannot connect to server
0x800CCC10IXP_E_INVALID_ADDRESSAddress not known on server
0x800CCC11IXP_E_INVALID_ADDRESS_LISTMailing list not known on server
0x800CCC12IXP_E_SOCKET_READ_ERRORUnable to send Winsock request
0x800CCC13IXP_E_SOCKET_WRITE_ERRORUnable to read Winsock reply
0x800CCC14IXP_E_SOCKET_INIT_ERRORUnable to initialize Winsock
0x800CCC15IXP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT_ERRORUnable to open Windows Socket
0x800CCC16IXP_E_INVALID_ACCOUNTUser account not recognized
0x800CCC17IXP_E_USER_CANCELUser canceled operation
0x800CCC18IXP_E_SICILY_LOGON_FAILEDLogon attempt failed
0x800CCC19IXP_E_TIMEOUTNot available
0x800CCC1AIXP_E_SECURE_CONNECT_FAILEDUnable to connect by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Winsock errors

Error codeError typeDescription
0x800CCC40IXP_E_WINSOCK_WSASYSNOTREADYNetwork subsystem is unusable
0x800CCC41IXP_E_WINSOCK_WSAVERNOTSUPPORTEDWindows Sockets cannot support this application
0x800CCC44IXP_E_WINSOCK_FAILED_WSASTARTUPUnable to load Windows Sockets
0x800CCC45IXP_E_WINSOCK_WSAEINPROGRESSOperation now in progress (This error occurs if a Windows Sockets API is called while a blocking function is in progress)

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) errors

Error codeError typeDescription
0x800CCC60IXP_E_SMTP_RESPONSE_ERRORInvalid response
0x800CCC62IXP_E_SMTP_500_SYNTAX_ERRORSyntax error returned
0x800CCC63IXP_E_SMTP_501_PARAM_SYNTAXParameter syntax incorrect
0x800CCC64IXP_E_SMTP_502_COMMAND_NOTIMPLCommand not implemented
0x800CCC65IXP_E_SMTP_503_COMMAND_SEQIncorrect command sequence
0x800CCC66IXP_E_SMTP_504_COMMAND_PARAM_NOTIMPLCommand not implemented
0x800CCC67IXP_E_SMTP_421_NOT_AVAILABLECommand not available
0x800CCC68IXP_E_SMTP_450_MAILBOX_BUSYMailbox is locked and busy
0x800CCC69IXP_E_SMTP_550_MAILBOX_NOT_FOUNDMailbox not found
0x800CCC6AIXP_E_SMTP_451_ERROR_PROCESSINGError processing request
0x800CCC6BIXP_E_SMTP_551_USER_NOT_LOCALUser mailbox is known, but mailbox not on this server
0x800CCC6CIXP_E_SMTP_452_NO_SYSTEM_STORAGENo space to store messages
0x800CCC6DIXP_E_SMTP_552_STORAGE_OVERFLOWStorage limit exceeded
0x800CCC6EIXP_E_SMTP_553_MAILBOX_NAME_SYNTAXInvalid mailbox name syntax
0x800CCC6FIXP_E_SMTP_554_TRANSACT_FAILEDTransaction failed
0x800CCC78IXP_E_SMTP_REJECTED_SENDERUnknown sender (This error occurs because you have the incorrect e-mail address in the Reply-To field)
0x800CCC79IXP_E_SMTP_REJECTED_RECIPIENTSServer rejected recipients
0x800CCC7AIXP_E_SMTP_NO_SENDERNo sender address specified
0x800CCC7BIXP_E_SMTP_NO_RECIPIENTSNo recipients specified

HTTPMail error

Error codeError typeDescription
0x800CCC31IXP_E_HTTP_BAD_REQUESTBad request configuration, or bad or malformed request

Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) errors

Error codeError typeDescription
0x800CCCA0IXP_E_NNTP_RESPONSE_ERRORNews server response error
0x800CCCA1IXP_E_NNTP_NEWGROUPS_FAILEDNewsgroup access failed
0x800CCCA2IXP_E_NNTP_LIST_FAILEDLIST command to server failed
0x800CCCA3IXP_E_NNTP_LISTGROUP_FAILEDUnable to display list
0x800CCCA4IXP_E_NNTP_GROUP_FAILEDUnable to open group
0x800CCCA5IXP_E_NNTP_GROUP_NOTFOUNDGroup not on server
0x800CCCA6IXP_E_NNTP_ARTICLE_FAILEDMessage not on server
0x800CCCA7IXP_E_NNTP_HEAD_FAILEDMessage header not found
0x800CCCA8IXP_E_NNTP_BODY_FAILEDMessage body not found
0x800CCCA9IXP_E_NNTP_POST_FAILEDUnable to post to server
0x800CCCAAIXP_E_NNTP_NEXT_FAILEDUnable to open next message
0x800CCCABIXP_E_NNTP_DATE_FAILEDUnable to display date
0x800CCCACIXP_E_NNTP_HEADERS_FAILEDUnable to display headers
0x800CCCADIXP_E_NNTP_XHDR_FAILEDUnable to display MIME headers
0x800CCCAEIXP_E_NNTP_INVALID_USERPASSInvalid user or password

Remote access errors

Error codeError typeDescription
0x800CCCC2IXP_E_RAS_NOT_INSTALLEDRemote access or dial-up networking not installed
0x800CCCC3IXP_E_RAS_PROCS_NOT_FOUNDRemote access or dial-up networking process not found
0x800CCCC4IXP_E_RAS_ERRORRemote access or dial-up networking error returned
0x800CCCC5IXP_E_RAS_INVALID_CONNECTOIDConnectoid damaged or missing
0x800CCCC6IXP_E_RAS_GET_DIAL_PARAMSError obtaining dial settings

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) errors

Error codeError typeDescription
0x800CCCD3IXP_E_IMAP_BAD_RESPONSEInvalid response to request
0x800CCCD6IXP_E_IMAP_BUFFER_OVERFLOWBuffer limit exceeded
0x800CCCD7IXP_E_IMAP_RECVR_ERRORRecovery error
0x800CCCD9IXP_E_IMAP_CONNECTION_REFUSEDConnection not allowed
0x800CCCDCIXP_E_IMAP_UIDORDERUser ID command failed
0x800CCCDDIXP_E_IMAP_UNSOLICITED_BYEUnexpected disconnect
0x800CCCDFIXP_E_IMAP_AUTH_NOT_POSSIBLEUnable to authorize client
0x800CCCE0IXP_E_IMAP_OUT_OF_AUTH_METHODSNo more authorization types