Friday, November 2, 2012

How to Retrieve Windows Live Password and Username

1.Changing your password (Windows Live Messenger)

To change your password, you must sign in to your email account.
  • 1. Sign in to Windows Live Messenger and open your email account (the envelope icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen)
  • 2. Once your mailbox accounts is open, from the upper right-hand corner of the screen, selectOptions.
  • 3. Under Manage your account, select "View and edit your personal information".
  • 4. Your personal information should now be displayed, as well as a section labelled "Password reset information". Click on "Change" next to "Password: *******"
  • 5. Another window will pop up prompting you to enter your current password and type in your new one. Rthe new password for confirmation.
  • 6. If you want to change your password regularly, tick the box labelled "Make my password expire every 72 days"
  • 7. Finish by clicking "Save".

Note: Don't forget to store your password in a safe folder 

2. Password recovery

If you have forgotten your Messenger password, there are three ways to recover it. 

Secret question

When signing up for your account, you have been asked to choose a secret question from the list and provide an answer. You can use this option to recover your password by choosing "Forgot your password?" at the bottom of the screen before signing in. This will open a new browser and you will be directed to this link:
  • 1. Enter your account name (e.g.
  • 2. Enter the characters displayed in the required field.
  • 3. Click "Continue".
  • 4. When asked to select the option for resetting your password, choose "Use my location information and secret answer to verify my identity".
  • 5. Choose your location from the list (it must correspond to the location you entered upon the creation of your account). Enter your secret answer in the required field. Click "Continue".

How to Turn on Windows Live Mail Spam Filter

There is built-in security (not just spam protection). The settings can be modified inside Windows Live Mail from Tools, Security settings (might be slightly different - I am in front of a non-US Vista right now). More information about the protection can be found at

Yes, you can use your own preferred protection software. The what and how depend on the name and version of that software.

How to Set up Windows Live Mail

Setting up Windows Live Mail is very simple. Here is how to do it:

  1. In Windows Live Mail, click on Add e-mail account.
  2. Put in the following settings:
    • E-Mail Address: Your full E-Mail address
    • Password: Your E-Mail password
    • Display Name: Your full name
    • Place a check on Manually configure server...

    When you have finished putting in these settings, click Next.
  3. On this screen, put in these exact settings as shown on this screenshot. For the Login ID, put in yourfull E-Mail address.

    Click Next once these settings have been put in.
  4. Click Finish. You will need to configure the message download settings next.

  5. On the left-hand side, right-click on the account name and click on Properties.

  6. Click on the Advanced tab at the top of this window. At the bottom, remove the check mark on Leave a copy of messages on server.

What is Windows Live Essentials?

Windows Essentials (formerly Windows Live Essentials and Windows Live Installer) is a suite of freeware applications by Microsoft that aims to offer integrated and bundled e-mail, instant messaging, photo-sharing, blog publishing, and security services. Essentials programs are designed to integrate well with each other, with Microsoft Windows, and with other Microsoft web-based services such as SkyDrive, so that they operate as a “seamless whole”

Default Email

Question: how do i know if windows live is my default email in windows 7?

Make Windows Live Hotmail Your Default Email Program

To make your browser and other Windows applications use Windows Live Hotmail or Hotmail as your default email program:
  • Start Internet Explorer.
  • Select Tools | Internet Options from the menu.
    • In IE 7, hold down the Alt key to access the menu.
  • Go to the Programs tab.
  • Make sure Windows Live Mail or Hotmail is selected for E-mail.
  • Click OK.

What is Windows Live ?

Question: What is Windows Live ?
Windows Live is the former collective brand name for a set of services and software products from Microsoft; part of their software plus services platform. A majority of these services are Web applications, accessible from a browser, but there are also client-side binary applications that require installation. There are three ways in which Windows Live services are offered: Windows Essentials applications, web services, and mobile services.

Completely Log Out

Question: why cant i completely log out of hotmail from windows live
Go to strart, run, and enter inetcpl.cpl.  This is the place to clear cookies.  be sure to unclick the boxes on everything else.

Windows Live Mail Help

When you run into problems with Windows Live Mail, it's always good for its makers to know about it. They are, in the end, those who most efficiently will be able to fix what ails the email program. Possibly, Windows Live Mail support can help you right away, too.

Contact Windows Live Mail Support or Report a Bug

To get support for a Windows Live Mail problem or report a bug:
  • Visit the Windows Live Mail forum on Microsoft Answers.
  • Click Sign in in the top right corner if you are not yet signed into Microsoft Answers.
  • If you are not logged in to your Windows Live account:
    • Enter your Windows Live Hotmail address underWindows Live ID:.
    • Type your Windows Live Hotmail password underPassword:.
    • Click Sign in.
      • If you cannot sign in to your Windows Live account, you can try recovering your password or create a new Live account.
  • If you have not created a Microsoft Answers profile yet:
    • Enter the name you wish to go with your posts in the Windows Live Mail forum underDisplay Name:.
    • Type the email address where you want to receive optional notifications of replies to your question under Email address:.
    • Make sure I accept the Answers Code of Conduct is checkedd after you have read the code and agree with it.
    • Click Sign Up.
  • Click Ask a question.
  • Type a one-line summary of your question under Post your question to the community.
  • Click Ask.
  • Look under Before you post your question... for potentially helpful answers to your question.
  • Enter your full question under Details.
    • Include as much information as possible. If something comes to mind and you think it is insignificant, list it.
    • Mention the exact version of Windows Live Mail when describing your problem.
      • Select Windows Live Mail | About (or Help | About Windows Live Mail) to see the version number under Version. The entire version number could be "2011 (Build 15.4.3538.0513)", for example.
  • Make sure Hotmail, Messenger & SkyDrive is selected under Forum.
  • Now make sure Mail is selected under Product.
  • Select the most appropriate category under Topic.
  • Leave Notify me when someone responds to this question checked to receive notifications at the email address you entered earlier.
  • Click Submit.
You can tell official answers by looking at the user name: Windows Live representatives have "MSFT" or “Windows Live” in the name or "Forum Moderator" below it.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

How to backup Google Chrome bookmarks online?

Logical Functions in Excel

Here are the names of the logical functions along with their argument syntax:

AND(logical1,logical2,...) tests whether the logical arguments are TRUE or FALSE. If they are all TRUE, the AND function returns TRUE to the cell. If any are FALSE, the AND function returns FALSE.

IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false) tests whether the logical_test expression is TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the IF function returns the value_if_true argument. If FALSE, the IF function returns the value_if_false argument.

IFERROR(value,value_if_error) tests whether the value expression is an error. IFERROR returns value_if_error if the expression is an error, or value of the expression if it is not an error.

NOT(logical) tests whether the logical argument is TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the NOT function returns FALSE. IF FALSE, the NOT function returns TRUE.

OR(logical1,logical2,...) tests whether the logical arguments are TRUE or FALSE. If any are TRUE, the OR function returns TRUE. If all are FALSE, the OR function returns FALSE.

FALSE() takes no argument and simply enters logical FALSE in its cell.

TRUE() takes no argument and simply enters logical TRUE in its cell.

The logical_test and logical arguments that you specify for these logical functions usually employ the comparison operators (=, <, >, <=, >=, and <>), which themselves return logical TRUE or logical FALSE values. For example, suppose that you enter the following formula in your worksheet:

In this formula, Excel first evaluates the first logical argument to determine whether the contents in cell B5 and D10 are equal to each other. If they are, the first comparison returns TRUE. If they are not equal to each other, this comparison returns FALSE. The program then evaluates the second logical argument to determine whether the content of cell C15 is greater than or equal to 500. If it is, the second comparison returns TRUE. If it is not greater than or equal to 500, this comparison returns FALSE.

After evaluating the comparisons in the two logical arguments, the AND function compares the results: If logical argument 1 and logical argument 2 are both found to be TRUE, then the AND function returns logical TRUE to the cell. If, however, either argument is found to be FALSE, the AND function returns FALSE to the cell.

When you use the IF function, you specify what's called a logical_test argument whose outcome determines whether the value_if_true or value_if_false argument is evaluated and returned to the cell. The logical_test argument normally uses comparison operators, which return either the logical TRUE or logical FALSE value. When the argument returns TRUE, the entry or expression in the value_if_true argument is returned to the cell. When the argument returns FALSE, the entry or expression in the value_if_false argument is returned.

Consider the following formula that uses the IF function to determine whether to charge tax on an item:

If cell E5 contains Yes, the IF function uses the value_if_true argument that tells Excel to add the price entered in cell D5 to the same value times the tax rate of 7.5%. If, however, cell D5 is blank or contains anything other than the text Yes, then the IF function uses the value_if_false argument, which tells Excel to just return the price in cell D5 without adding any tax to it.

As you can see, the value_if_true and value_if_false arguments of the IF function can contain constants or expressions whose results are returned to the cell that holds the IF formula.

How do I make a file show I am the author in Word 2010?

Whenever you create a Word document, Microsoft Word automatically assign a author name to that document which is asked and saved in its properties at the installation time. So, if you want to change the author name in Word 2007 or 2010 then its very easy to do that.
One more thing i would like to tell you if you change the author name in Word 2007 or 2010 using this method then author name for other Office application like ExcelPowerPoint will be automatically changed, so lets see how to change author name.

Change Author Name Word 2010/2007

Change author in word 2010


Run Word 2010, Click on “File” tab, click on “Options” to open Word options


Select “General” option on the left side and change the “User name” and “Initials” under section “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office”
Change author in word 2007


Click “Office” button > “Word Options”


Now click “Popular” option and under “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office” section, type the new author name in-front of “User name” field and type “Initials” according to your choice and click “OK” to make the change affective
By changing the author name in Word this will effect on the whole Microsoft Office applications likeExcelPowerPoint and others…

Monday, October 15, 2012

How to Open Excel 2010 in Separate Windows

Here is what you do to open two seperate Windows in Excel:
To solve the problem you need to start two separate instances of Excel.

To do this:
Run Excel through the Start menu and open one instance -> Then click it again to open a second window. You can now use these two instances to open the files that you want to see.
If you double click the files when opening them, they will usually all open in the one instance of Excel!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

What Dogs Can Eat?

 Food Offers - Dogs -

You can ensure your dog has a healthy, well-balanced diet by asking your vet to recommend a quality dog food. A well-designed dog food gives your pet all the nutrients it needs for an active and healthy life. But that doesn't mean you can't sometimes give your dog human food as a special treat -- as long as portions are limited, and the foods are cooked, pure, and not fatty or heavily seasoned.


Most dogs are fine eating lean cuts of meat that have been thoroughly cooked. Be sure to remove all visible fat -- including the skin on poultry. Also be sure that there are no bones in the meat before you give it to your dog.


Slices of apples, oranges, bananas, and watermelon make tasty treats for your dog. Be sure to remove any seeds first, though. Seeds, stems, and leaves can cause serious problems.


Your dog can have a healthy snack of carrot sticks, green beans, cucumber slices, or zucchini slices. Even a plain baked potato is OK. Be sure, though, not to let your dog eat any raw potatoes or any potato plants it might have access to in your garden.


Dogs may enjoy plain white rice or pasta after it's cooked. And, a serving of plain white rice with some boiled chicken can sometimes provide welcome relief from gastrointestinal upset.

 Food Offers - Dogs -

Messenger Error Code 800488eb

If you encounter this problem with Microsoft Live Mail or Messenger you need to do the following to solve the problem:

1. Go to Control Panel -> Then Add/Uninstall programs
 – Here you will see a list of all your programs that you can change or uninstall -> Select Windows Live Messenger/Essentials,

you will then have the option to uninstall or reapir -> select repair,
wait for it to load and it will fix itself, and the problem will be solved.

This solution will work on Windows Vista, 7 and 8.

How to Hide Your Birthday on Windows Live Hotmail and Messenger

If you want to hide your birth of date and keep it private from friends or public, you can follow these easy steps:

First start by logging into your Hotmail account :D

Then follow these steps or look at the screenshot below:
1. Click “Profile” in the top right corner -> Then click “detail” in the right side menu, below Profile.
2. Here you will see the following option: Shared with: Some friends (except limited access).
You can then change your privacy to “Me” forexample.

How to make Windows Live messenger “Show What I’m Listening to”

Windows Live Messenger will not show the song information you are listening to in iTunes because you either have Winamp or Windows Media Player running in the background.

This can happen even if you haven’t touched or opened them. The program is running in the background, not doing anything, but it hijacks the song information being displayed by Messenger.

Follow these easy steps to solve the problem:

1. Sign in and make sure you have the most recent version of windows live messenger. 2. Make sure the “show what I’m listening to” is checked
3. Now open iTunes and play music -> See if music is shown in messenger? If no proceed…
4. Follow these steps to close the windows media player service -> Press ctrl + alt + del
5. Choose “Start Task Manager” -> Go to the processes tab
6. Find wmplayer.exe *32 & WMPSideShowGadget.exe
7. Right click -> End Process
8. Check Windows Live Messenger to see if song information is being shown.
If it doesn’t work you may have another media player running a process i.e. spotify, winamp, vlc player.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

SEO Services

There's more to SEO than pay-per-click marketing. Research shows that 85% of the time search engine users click on organic (non-paid) results.

A landing page is where a visitor first arrives on your website. It can also refer to the page where conversions occur. If one of your goals for your site is to generate more leads, a cohesive landing page strategy is essential. The elements of the strategy will depend on your particulars.

Read more at:
Electronic Offers 4u SEO Services

Windows Live Error: 0x80070057

1. Delete items that are stuck in your outbox. Continue as normal.
2. Try to disable your antivirus email scanner.
3. Remove firewall
4. Check the account settings and try to ensure that yoiu had entered the correct password
5. Reboot the machine.

Get Windows Essentials

You can download Windows Essentials at this link:

Windows Update error 80070643

Windows Update error 80070643 can happen for several reasons. The most common cause is a problem with the .NET Framework installed on the computer. You might also encounter this error when installing updates for Microsoft Office 2003. If you were installing Microsoft Office 2003 updates when you received the error, follow the instructions in the "Microsoft Office 2003" section below. Otherwise, follow the instructions in the "Windows .NET Framework" section.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Top 10 Windows 8 Features

Here are the TOP 10 Windows 8 Features:

No. 10: Refresh and Reset
No. 9: File History
No. 8: Storage Spaces
No. 7: Client-side Hyper-V
No. 6: Secure Boot
No. 5: Live Performance and Reliability Charts
No. 4: Windows To Go
No. 3: Shared Media
No. 2: The Microsoft Account
No. 1: The Windows Store

Our next articles will be about one of these features :)

Windows 7 problems after updates

Fix a corrupted user profile

Your user profile is a collection of settings that make the computer look and work the way you want it to. It contains your settings for desktop backgrounds, screen savers, pointer preferences, sound settings, and other features. User profiles ensure that your personal preferences are used whenever you log on to Windows. If you tried to log on to Windowsand received an error message telling you that your user profile might be corrupted, you can try to repair it. You will need to create a new profile, and then copy the files from the existing profile to the new one.

Before you create a new profile

Occasionally, Windows might not read your user profile correctly—for example, if your antivirus software is scanning your computer while you try to log on. Before you create a new user profile, try restarting your computer and logging on with your user account again.

To create a new user profile

To create a new user profile, you must first create a new user account. When the account is created, a profile is also created.
The steps that you should follow will vary, depending on whether your computer is on a domain or a workgroup. To find out, see "To check if your computer is on a workgroup or domain" in What is the difference between a domain, a workgroup, and a homegroup?
Show all

To copy files to the new user profile

After you create the profile, you can copy the files from the existing profile. You must have at least three user accounts on the computer to complete these steps, including the new account you just created.
  1. Log on as a user other than the new user you just created or the user that you want to copy files from.
  2. Open the My Documents folder by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clickingComputer. Double-click the hard disk drive that Windows is installed on (it's usually your C: drive), double-click Users, double-click the folder with the name of your account, and then double-click My Documents.
  3. Click the Tools menu, and then click Folder Options.
    If you don't see the Tools menu, press Alt.
  4. Click the View tab, and then click Show hidden files, folders, and drives.
  5. Clear the Hide protected operating system files check box, click Yes to confirm, and then click OK.
  6. Locate the C:\Users\Old_Username folder, where C is the drive that Windows is installed on, and Old_Username is the name of the profile you want to copy files from.
  7. Select all of the files and folders in this folder, except the following files:
    • Ntuser.dat
    • Ntuser.dat.log
    • Ntuser.ini
  8. Click the Edit menu, and then click Copy.
    If you don't see the Edit menu, press Alt.
  9. Locate the C:\Users\New_Username folder, where C is the drive that Windows is installed on, and New_Username is the name of the new user profile you created.
  10. Click the Edit menu, and then click Paste.
    If you don't see the Edit menu, press Alt.
  11. Log off, and then log back on as the new user.
    If you have e‑mail messages in an e‑mail program, you must import your e‑mail messages and addresses to the new user profile before you delete the old profile. If everything is working properly, you can delete the old profile.
If the steps above do not fix the problem, you should contact your customer support provider for assistance. To find additional information about customer support options that apply to this computer, click the Start button Picture of the Start button, click Help and Support, and thenclick the More support options link at the bottom of the Help window.


iPhone won't sync in Windows 7

Irritated iPhone users are beginning to report major difficulties in getting their iPhone to sync with Windows 7 systems. Particularly 64-bit Windows 7 systems, based around the P55 chipset.

The iPhone is usually (though not always) recognised, but iTunes then complains that it can't connect to the unit because of an "unknown error", usually (though again, not always) 0xE8000065.

Disabling USB power management appears to be one solution.
Click Start, type DEVMGMT.MSC and press [Enter] to launch Device Manager,
then click View > Devices By Type. Expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers section of the tree, right-click each USB Root Hub entry in turn,
select Properties > Power Management,
and clear "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power".

Reboot your PC after this tweak and try again.

This works for some, but if you're out of luck then post comment and we'll help you.

Windows 7 Aero isn't running

If Windows 7 isn't looking its best - transparency has been turned off, say - then the Aero theme may not have been fully enabled on your system.

Click Start, type Aero, choose the "Find and fix problems with transparency and other visual effects" link, and click Next to launch the Aero troubleshooting wizard.
It'll try to identify and resolve and problems. And if it doesn't, then install the latest driver for your graphics hardware.

That could be all your system needs.

Some Aero features may be disabled in the Registry, though.
For example, if Aero Peek (the ability to make open windows transparent to display your desktop underneath) doesn't work for you, then launch REGEDIT, browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM and make sure EnableAeroPeek is set to 1, rather than 0.

How to Disable and Remove Ads from Windows Live Messenger 2011

The ads blocks on Windows Live (MSN) Messenger can now display ads that contains image banner, rich media, in-banner video or animation, Flash ads expandable ads and even pop-ups. If you found the ads on Windows Live Messenger 2011 intrusive, here’s the trick and hack to disable and remove ads on Windows Live Messenger 2011.
How to Turn Off and Remove Ads from Chat Message Window of Windows Live Messenger 2011
  1. On Windows Live Messenger main window, click on the Display Name, and select More Options. Alternatively, press Alt key to bring up the menu bar, and click on Tools -> Options.
  2. On left pane, select Messages tab.
  3. Unselect (untick) the check box of Show expanded footer in conversation windows option.
  4. Click OK to remove ads display on chat message windows.
The trick above does not remove nor disable display ads on main MSN Messenger window with contact list. In addition, there is still text ads offering on the bottom of instant messaging chat windows. Use the hack below to block and stop the image or video ads and text ads from displaying. Note that the hack does not actually remove the ads placement. It simply stops the ads from loading by blocking the traffic to, as the Windows Live Messenger client calls all the ads through single web address of
  1. Open Notepad or any text editor as administrator (only in Windows 7 or Vista, not required in Windows XP).
  2. Open to edit the hosts file located in the %WinDir%\System32\drivers\etc folder.
  3. Append the following line to the end of the hosts file (after the last line):
    Tip: Do not use instead of as it may cause Windows Live Messenger to freeze or not responding for a while on most action.
  4. Save the modified file.
  5. Restart Windows Live Messenger for the change to take effect.Windows Live Messenger will now no longer display ads. The usual spots which show advertisements will now have blank or white space, or show default Windows Live Messenger logo image.
With executable patching, A-Patch can remove much more unwanted features or functions for Windows Live Messenger client, including advertisement from main window, text advertisement in the IM window, “See More Offerings” items in the file menus, “Featured” section from the Emoticons “more” dialog box, Search Bar, “Connected to…” bar and more.