Sunday, September 30, 2012

Error 0x800CCC18

Error 0x800CCC18 - Logon attempt failed

If you receive SICILY_LOGON_FAILED, this means that your logon attempt has failed. Outlook Express will return an error similar to the following:
"Unable to logon to the server using Distributed Password Authentication.
Account:'Company POP3 Server Accnt.',
Server: '',
Protocol: POP3,
Server Response: '-ERR The AUTH protocol exchange was cancelled by the client.',Port: 110, Secure(SSL): NO, Server
Error: 0x800ccc90, Error Number: 0x800ccc18"
A common cause for this error is where you have asked Outlook Express to log on using Secure Password Authentication.
As BT Business does not require you to use Secure Password Authentication, please ensure that this option is NOT selected within your mail account properties. 
Having completed configuration, please attempt to send/receive email - the issue should now be resolved.
If you still receive the same error, please contact us.


  1. If am also facing this outlook error 0x800CCC18 while creating outlook contact item. I was not knowing the reason for generating this error and also unbale to fix this error. But when I downlaod scanpst.exe repair tool then I have easily fixed this outlook error. Thanks.

  2. When i was face this error code 0x800CCC18 on my outlook 2010, than i think how to fix this error but my friend suggest me to fix this issue through inbox repair tool. Then i can download inbox repair tool from internet. I happy to say that it work fantastic on my system and remove this error quickly.
